Sunday, October 25, 2015

Jack-O-Lanterns and Melrose Place Stars

Had a so much with my three little guys and my oldest's friend yesterday.  We went to the park, out for Chinese food dinner and then to the Blaze.

I went with a bunch of people from town and at one point turned around to say something to someone and instead wound up staring right at Andrew Shue who was there with his family.  Saw him a few months ago walking in the city too!

My son's friend's family went down to the shore for the weekend so we had our first sleepover.  At 11:30 pm when I heard the sound of scotch tape being pulled over and over I went into their room to put the kibosh on everything and told them to settle down.  Needless to say my oldest is exhausted today.

Taking it easy today to recoup.  Made chocolate banana muffins, banana oat bars and tomorrow's dinner of chicken and rice.  I have some sundried tomatoes I have to use up so soon will start tonight's dinner prep of chicken with sundried tomatoes.  Few more loads of laundry and that's about all I can handle today.

Looking forward to getting the middle one out of here soon since he has football and the three of them together can be a quick drive to the nut house!!

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