Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!

My favorite day of the year! 

The one memory I want to capture from this afternoon was when "Santa Claus is coming to Town" by Springsteen came on the radio.  I started dancing and was yelling and jumping telling the kids it's Santa's radio and he is getting everyone ready for the big night.  At the end when you hear the "ho, ho, ho" I said that was the real Santa. They were dancing with me and FLIPPING out. My husband was looking at us like we were insane, but it was so cute and a memory I will treasure always!

Earlier in the day I went to have my hair blown out which made getting ready just now a pleasure.  Zoomer dogs are charged and ready to go.  The car is packed and we'll soon head up to my parents for Christmas Eve dinner and presents.

We have a tradition of taking a walk with the kids after dinner (we did this when I was a kid too).  When you see the brightest star that means Santa has come (if it rains when the living room curtains open and the tree lights go on in the house it meant Santa had arrived) and we would go racing in.  My parents are usually at the back door waving to the night sky to say goodbye to Santa. 

I miss him every time! ;)

Wishing you all a wonderful evening.

Love this beautiful photo.

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