Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Chili + Reducing School Morning Drama Part Deux

Last night's "Back to School" night was quick and easy.  My son's teacher said this is her 50th class - wow! 

She told me my son is a good boy (I feel the need to put in a disclaimer that it's only day 8) and that he told her he wants to be a gardener when he grows up.  She said that he told her about all the vegetables he would grow and then said very seriously "there is nothing like a homegrown tomato".  

Also, apparently at recess he also started his own "carnival" where for one of the "rides" he had kids lock hands and twirl each other around.  He is a riot.

My husband went fishing for the last time this season after work so I got home and put the kids in the bath right away and then settled down to do homework with my big boy.  He has his first spelling test tomorrow so needed to drill him a bit.

Skipping back to dinner.  I am slightly nauseated as I write this post.  You know when you eat something one too many times.  That happened today when ground turkey showed up for a third time this week.  I have had e-nough.

I made Gooseberry Patch's Hometown Harvest Family Chili.  I am not a big fan of chili, but figured it was easy for a weekday and fit my husband's Paleo obsession.  

But enough of my editorializing.  The kids loved it.  So here ya go:

Family Chili
Gooseberry Patch Hometown Harvest

2 lbs ground  beef or turkey
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped celery
1 green pepper, chopped
15 1/2 oz diced tomatoes
16 oz tomato sauce
15 1/2 oz kidney beans 
1 1/2 cups ketchup
1/4 brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 T chili powder (I left this out)
2 T Worcestershire sauce 
2 t ground cumin (I left this out)
1/2 t dry mustard
1 bay leaf
No Apple products in the house at the moment so this blurry photo, which is the best Blackberry can offer, will have to do!

Brown meat with onion, celery and green peppers; drain. 
Put meat mixture in slow cooker, stir in tomatoes with juice and remaining ingredients. 
Cover and cook on low for 4 to 5 hours.
Discard bay leaf before serving.

Moving on from the topic of ground meat.

Get It Done Tip:  In line with setting expectations for breakfast the night before a few moms have told me they even set the table for breakfast the night before.  Now I haven't done this, but I thought it was such a simple, great idea. That's why it is always good to talk to other moms and ask how they get things done. Everyone has their own way of doing things, but it might spark an idea for you that could make a major impact on your day so you can spend more time with your family - which is the ultimate goal.

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