Monday, October 21, 2013

If You Want Time, You Must Make It

My day is not worth recounting in detail.  It was a typical Monday - work, got home to the dinner I prepped yesterday which sadly was not that great. In an effort to clean out my freezer I made eggplant parm using eggplant from the crop share I sliced and froze, leftover sauce and mozzarella I froze.  It came out awful - maybe because I froze the eggplant - never again!  My husband was spared since he went to the Giants game after work.

Get It Done Tip: You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.

I read this quote today and it really resonated with me.  Everyone is so busy whether you have kids or not and whether you are working or not. 

Do you want to take a vacation? Do you want to call that old friend you haven't spoke to in ages? Do you want to do something special with your family and make a great memory?

If you wait for the perfect time to do it the opportunity might be lost.  Forget the house cleaning, forget the laundry and take a minute to put it on your calendar today and just do it.  I found this online and it drives home the point -

Don't postpone joy!

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