Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dutch Wonderland

Another great family day.  For the first time in probably 2 years I slept GREAT.  We were upgraded to the penthouse (!) in the hotel without even asking for it.  It had bunk beds and 2 king beds. 

The big kids sat on the bunks for all of 2 seconds before they piled in with us.  They kept fooling around so I took the middle one and we went to the other room and slept on that bed.  Because the room was so dark they all slept until 7:30 (versus the usual 6 AM) which I loved.

We picked up breakfast and had it outside by the pool -- it was hot today!
Then the kids played at the hotel playground for a bit.
Eden Resort in Lancaster, PA is gorgeous

Dutch Wonderland, a little amusement park, opened at 10 and we spend most of the day there.  It's a small cute park, perfect for my 6 and 3 year old.  An old friend of mine has been asking us to do something with them for 2 years now so they joined us and we had a blast.

We drove home around 4:30 and stopped by my in laws quick to wish my sister and brother-in-law a happy anniversary.  My father-in-law made an amazing chocolate cake.  If he shares the recipe I will have to post it. :)

We were home at a decent time and everyone was dunked in the tub and are now tucked in bed fast asleep.

I am listening to the hum of the dishwasher and have the first batch of laundry going.   I also sprayed oxyclean stain remover on a bunch of the kids clothes; pen, chocolate milk, dirt, you name it they got it all over themselves!  Hopefully a good soak overnight will let them clean up easily in the wash tomorrow.


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